During last Thursday’s episode of her “Steel Truth” program, right-wing QAnon conspiracy theorist Ann Vandersteel speculated that the ongoing coronavirus outbreak may have been orchestrated by the “deep state” and/or the British government in order to destabilize global markets, weaken the American economy, and prevent President Donald Trump from being reelected.
Vandersteel, who was unceremoniously disavowed by the Trump campaign last year after she repeatedly claimed to be a member of Trump’s 2020 campaign advisory board, said the virus seems to be especially deadly to “Asian males,” which led her to speculate that it may have been intentionally released in China to disrupt Trump’s trade agreement with that country, thereby undermining the U.S. economy.
“Is this perhaps a ploy to try to take down President Trump’s roaring economy that we have by sabotaging the markets, by creating fear porn and fear-mongering while they’re also killing Chinese people by the thousands?” she wondered. “Is that a strategy that the deep state would actually use?”
“Perhaps maybe the Crown, the Brits, who are not too fond of the Chinese, may have some sort of ulterior motive?” Vandersteel added. “These people don’t want President Trump to win. They don’t want him reelected. If you have him reelected, you know the deep state is going down … so I look at this as an opportunity to shake the core of what President Trump hangs his hat on, which is the economy. You rattle our stock market, and we have a dip and people go, ‘Oh, it was basically nothing but propped up stuff. This isn’t real, and we need to look to Bernie Sanders to bail us out.'”