Wayne Allyn Root Says Las Vegas Shooter Was Laundering Money For ‘Some Major Crime Syndicate,’ Possibly ISIS Or Antifa

As we noted last week, right-wing radio host, commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trumpobsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root has insisted, from the moment that news broke of a mass shooting in Las Vegas earlier this month, that the massacre was a “clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack.” While Root hasn’t managed to find any evidence to support his claim, that has not stopped him from endlessly promoting any piece of information that he believes supports his theory.

Root’s willingness to spread unsubstantiated information was noted by various media outlets, which did not sit well with him. During an appearance on “The Financial Survival Network” with Kerry Lutz earlier this week, Root lashed out at those who have dared to report on his promotion of baseless claims.

“I ask real questions and good questions,” Root insisted. “I have never had a crazy conspiracy theory in my life. As a matter of fact, every theory I’ve ever had and every question I’ve ever asked has turned out to be correct. So I’m not a crazy conspiracy theorist, I’m the only honest person in the media asking real questions.”

At one point, Root insisted that the official narrative of the Las Vegas attack makes no sense, citing the fact that Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who first encountered the shooter, had not made any media appearances.

“You’re a hero,” Root said. “Instead of being a security guard who makes eight dollars an hour, suddenly you have a chance to be on the cover of People magazine and Us magazine and on the major talk shows in America. You should be on—name the talk show—’Ellen.’ He should be on Ellen DeGeneres’ show. He is hidden from the media.”

The day after Root made this statement, Campos did in fact appear on “Ellen” but Root predictably dismissed it as part of the cover-up.

Insisting that he is not a spreading conspiracy theories but simply asking questions, Root asserted that the shooter had been laundering money for “some major crime syndicate.”

“There are so many parts of this story that stink,” Root said. “All my law enforcement friends believe the reason this guy was such a huge gambler, millions of dollars risked, is because he was laundering money for some major crime syndicate. Whether that be ISIS, whether it be al Qaeda, whether it be Antifa, whether it be the mafia, whether it be the CIA, I don’t know who it was but this guy was laundering somebody’s money.”