Lance Wallnau: Trump Will Have An Encounter With God And Start Quoting The Bible ‘At An Unprecedented Rate’

Right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau streamed a video last night in which he declared that President Trump has been chosen and anointed by God and prophesied that Trump will have divine encounter with God in January of next year that will cause him to quote the Bible “in public at an unprecedented rate.”

“In the name of Jesus, I prophesy that Donald Trump is going to experience a fresh encounter of the Lord in January of this new year and will begin to do Bible quoting in public at an unprecedented rate,” Wallnau said. “Not since Lincoln will we find a president who will be such a quoter of the Bible; he is going to find verses and apply them to national incidents and international situations.”

Wallnau called for God’s anointing to fall upon Trump so that Trump’s enemies “cannot entrap him.”

“May this man be anointed with fresh oil from on high so that he is so slippery the enemy can’t get a hold of him and he keeps on eluding the snare of the fowler and that the net that they set, they fall into themselves and the pit that they dug, they fall into themselves,” he declared. “For it is not against man that they are fighting, but is against he whom God has anointed and who is man to question who God has chosen.”