Glenn Beck fancies himself as something of a prophet who is “right probably 80 percent of the time.” On his radio show today, Beck revealed how he is able to be so “accurate” when he subtly began changing the prediction that he made several times last year that 2016 would be “a modern-day 1968” during which America will see “riots in the streets, political chaos, and assassinations.”
Beck originally predicted that it will all come to a head at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia in July when Black Lives Matter and other progressive activists let loose and create chaos in the streets.
“I think you can mark this down on your calendar. You can take 2016 and scratch it out and write 1968,” Beck said on his television program in August of last year. “Trouble is coming for the Democratic convention, real trouble.”
He said the same thing on his radio program at the time, warning that just like 1968, Philadelphia is going to see “a violent Democratic convention.”
Beck’s initial predication was focused entirely on warnings about the Democratic convention, but today he subtly shifted it and started talking about the possibility of strife at the Republican convention if the GOP establishment tries to use a brokered convention to deny either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump the Republican presidential nomination even if they are leading in delegates.
“I’ve been saying this for years,” Beck said today, “2016 is going to be 1968 … It was trouble on the floor of the convention that lead to the riots in 1968. Do you think that people are going accept Reince Priebus and his games of the GOP?”
The only way for candidates like Marco Rubio or John Kasich to win the nomination, Beck said, is through a brokered convention and “that leads to 1968, something I’ve been warning about for a long time.”
When Beck first made this prediction last year, it hinged entirely on his warnings about the Democratic convention but now he is changing that prediction so that it better corresponds to real world developments, while insisting that he has been making the same prediction “for years.”
But what else can you expect from someone who has an amazing ability to declare that his predictions have come true even when they haven’t and an even more amazing ability to conveniently ignore all of the predictions that he made which turned out to be demonstrably false?