E.W. Jackson Tells Black And Hispanic Christian Voters That The Democrats Secretly Hate Them

Two years ago, E.W. Jackson launched an effort calling for “a mass Exodus of Christians from the Democrat [sic] Party” on the grounds that the party’s support for marriage equality was an attack on God and the Bible.

Jackson’s effort, of course, had no discernible impact on the 2012 election but it did help him raise is profile with the Republican Party, which one year later backed his disastrous bid for lieutenant governor of Virginia.

Naturally, this year Jackson is once again calling for an “exodus”again this year, releasing a video in which he calls upon black and Hispanic Christian voters to leave the Democratic Party, telling them that if they were to dare to talk about their faith, “you will quickly find out how much they really hate you”:

“Christians are being denied employment,” Jackson says, “fired from their jobs, losing their businesses, facing discipline in the military and problems in school for daring to stand up for marriage as a union between one man and one woman. This is pushed by Democrats and yet Christians vote for them. To keep voting for these people is destructive of our pastors, our churches, our Constitution and our society. How long do you think God will put up with that?”

“I’ve heard the excuse that Democrats help the poor. Do you really think we can defy God on the one hand and prosper on the other?,” he asks. “The only thing Democrats have done is create more poor people – more unemployed, higher black unemployment, and lower income for those who are working. Democrats want a captive and dependent group of people who will vote for them at election time. Where are the poorest black communities in America? Where are most young black men being murdered? In cities controlled by Democrats? What are Democrats doing about it? Nothing!”

“So you think Democrats love black, Hispanic and poor people? They reward some of our so called Civil Rights leaders if they support Planned Parenthood’s mass abortion of our babies and march in the gay rights parade. But stand up with dignity and courage as a black or Hispanic Christian man or woman and say this is against the word of God and I will not support it or vote for those who do. You will quickly find out how much they really hate you.”

“Do not sell your soul and vote against the Word of God for the sake of the Democrat Party,” Jackson pleads.

Tags: E.W. Jackson