Beck: ‘My Citizenship Has Become A Condemnation’

On his radio program today, Glenn Beck announced an effort to raise as much money as he can in order to secure the freedom of Christian families who are threatened by ISIS by getting them out of the Middle East and transporting them to safety in places like Germany or Mexico.

Eventually, this morphed into Beck screaming about the United States supposedly being unwilling to accept Christian refugees who are fleeing ISIS that culminated in Beck vowing to meet these Christians in Mexico and personally walk them across the border into America.

Beck then tied all of this to reports that American aid worker Kayla Mueller had been repeatedly raped by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as well as the recent campaign against Planned Parenthood to declare that being an American citizen is now a complete disgrace that is threatening our eternal salvation and making us no better than the Nazis.

“My citizenship has become a condemnation,” he fumed. “My citizenship is something that I’m now starting to look at as a liability for my first citizenship in a higher kingdom …  If you can’t see how evil we have become when I tell you the story of Planned Parenthood keeping baby parts in a freezer that they have jokingly called the nursery you will not see [Josef] Mengele when he arrives. You will don the black uniform and the black hat with the skull and crossbones on it and you will load people into the ovens.”

Tags: Glenn Beck