Glenn Beck kicked off his radio program this morning furious about two things: an interview CNN’s Chris Cuomo did recently with a representative of the Indiana Family Institute and an Indiana pizzeria that closed down after receiving threats and criticism for saying that it would refuse to provide service to a gay couples’ wedding.
The pizza restaurant has since been inundated with over $200,000 in donations from supporters, but Beck is outraged about the entire ordeal, declaring that gay rights activists have become modern-day Nazis who are leading an Inquisition that will turn into a Christian holocaust.
“What kind of America are you building, you frickin’ Nazis,” Beck fumed. “What kind of Nazi regime are you building? Wake up! … You are following a Nazi group. I don’t know who is even leading this, but you’re becoming Nazis.”
“We need to start putting them into the robes of the Inquisition,” he continued. “That’s the way we need to start looking at these people because this is the Inquisition, gang. You think that there isn’t a Christian holocaust coming?”