Dave Daubenmire: ‘The Jews Should Be Begging to Become Christians’

Radical religious right activist Dave Daubenmire dedicated his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast this morning to ranting about the “atheistic Jews” who he says are leading the effort to impeach President Donald Trump and are, he insisted, responsible for much of what is wrong in America today.

Daubenmire, who is blatantly anti-Semitic, cited a recent commentary by right-wing radio host Michael Savage in which Savage said that Trump, like Jesus, is being persecuted by Jewish leaders. Daubenmire wholeheartedly agreed with Savage and proceeded to unleash a rant against Christians who travel to Israel, who he claims “are desiring to become Jewish.”

“I’m more precious in the eyes of my savior than any bloodline Jew that was ever born,” Daubenmire declared. “If we could focus on who we are as children of the king, much of this stuff that we see going on around us would end, if we realized who we are, who we represent, whose voice we are.”

Daubenmire said that he was sick of turning on Christian radio and always hearing “about Israel and the Jews.”

“The Jews should be begging to become Christians,” he said. “The Jews should be begging to be like us, and we can’t wait for us to be like them. We want to go be God’s chosen people. Dude, you already are! There’s nothing special about a Jew.”

“They’re supposed to be jealous of us,” Daubenmire screamed. “Everywhere I look it’s Jew worship. You say, ‘Oh Coach, are you anti-Semitic?’ You’re an idiot! You’re an idiot if you think that. I am Semitic, you are too. It’s lies! All lies! And the church gobbles it up and gobbles it up because we don’t know who we are. I’m a child of the king. I’m a prince.”