Rick Joyner Sees Prophetic Significance In The Cleveland Indians’ Winning Streak

On Friday, right-wing pastor Rick Joyner posted a video on his Facebook page asserting that the Cleveland Indians’ recent 22-game winning streak carried prophetic significance.

Joyner tied the winning streak to the fact that his fellow modern-day prophet Lou Engle held a The Call prayer rally in Cleveland earlier this summer, which he linked to The Gulliver Prophecy, which predicts that astounding miracles and healings will begin in Ohio and lead to a revival that will sweep over America.

“Is this prophetic, what is going on in Cleveland?” Joyner asked. “There is really a tremendous rise going on. Does baseball reflect that? I believe there are signs.”

“I think there is something on this streak that is prophetic,” Joyner added. “Twenty-two is 11-11. Isaiah 11:11 talks about the Lord giving us another chance and I think He has and I think He is.”

Not long after Joyner posted his video, the Indians’ winning streak came to an end.

Tags: Rick Joyner