Wayne Allyn Root: Trump Should Ignore Those Who Will Lose Health Care Under His Plan Because ‘None Of Them Are Voting For Trump Anyway’

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trumpobsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root appeared on the Financial Survival Network last week, where he told host Kerry Lutz that President Trump should not worry about the 24 million people who could lose their health care if Republicans repeal Obamacare because those people are not Trump voters.

Root said that “nice guys get screwed over,” so Trump shouldn’t even bother trying to protect healthcare for these Americans if doing so will hurt him politically.

“Just ignore that and worry about the entire silent majority middle class that is losing their lives because of Obamacare,” he said. “The 24 million that are on it, guess what? None of them are voting for Trump anyway! Why would you care? They’re not voting for you. You’re never going to get their vote. Ignore them.”

Later, Root fumed that a federal judge in Hawaii had ruled against Trump’s revised travel ban, wondering “who gives a crap what some liberal Hawaiian thinks? They barely live in our country. A hundred years ago, Hawaii wasn’t even a state.”

Root recommended that Trump “get even” by announcing that he is going to “take all the Muslim refugees and ship them to Hawaii … Let all the Hawaiians enjoy the wonders of living around Muslim refugees.”