On Friday, Glenn Beck spoke at Liberty University’s convocation where, in between crying jags, he announced that his charity, Mercury One, would be donating $50,000 to the school because its students give Beck hope for the future.
For most of his speech, Beck, a Mormon, lectured the large audience on what it means to be a Christian, beseeching them to live their lives in such a way that they can “demand miracles, expect miracles, call down miracles” in the name of “the awesome power of Jesus Christ and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
Later, Beck recounted the “Restoring Courage” event he put together in Jerusalem back in 2011, saying that he had no idea why he held it other than that God told him to.
Saying that he was overwhelmed by the fact that he was to be among “the first Christians to ever speak at the Temple Mount,” Beck had no idea what he was even supposed to say … until God finally told him that the message that he was supposed to deliver was that “I am coming and I will settle scores”:
In 2012, Liberty’s decision to invite Mitt Romney to speak at its graduation ceremony sparked protests from students and alumni, so it was genuinely amazing to watch the audience at Liberty now shower Beck with applause as he preached Mormon theology from the stage during convocation, at one point declaring that “nobody in the Grand Council” chose to come to earth from Heaven in order to be an accountant or make t-shirts for a living, which is a distinctly Mormon theology.