Scott Lively Removes Theodore Shoebat From His List Of ‘Pro-Family Heroes’

Last week, we noted that rabidly anti-gay activist Scott Lively had released a list of “Top Ten Pro-Family Heroes” of the year which included an “honorable mention” for Theodore Shoebat, an anti-gay activist so extreme that he openly calls for the implementation of a global “inquisition” aimed at forcing gays to submit to Christianity or be put to death.

Here is a screen cap of Lively’s original list. You can see Shoebat listed in between Julio Severo and Mission America’s Linda Harvey, who helped Lively draft the list:

At some point after we pointed out Shoebat’s inclusion on Lively’s list of “pro-family heroes,” the list was quietly updated and Shoebat’s name was removed. Here is a screen cap of the list as it currently appears on Lively’s website: