Anti-choice activist Randall Terry has announced that he is working with other anti-choice organizations to hold “an all day vigil at the White House” on Monday, July 9 in advance of President Trump’s expected evening announcement of a Supreme Court nominee.
Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, said he is organizing the event “in conjunction with several pro-life leaders and organizations: W.A.K.E.U.P.; Defend Life; LifeGuard; and Society for Truth and Justice.” Notably absent from Terry’s press release are any of the largest and most influential anti-choice organizations, who have plenty of inside access to the Trump White House.
“Graphic signs showing the victims of abortion will be present,” said the press release, which included the following statement from Terry:
I voted for President Trump because he promised to appoint Justices that would overturn Roe, and stop the killing of babies. We are holding this vigil in the hopes that President Trump is keeping his word, and to show support for his nominee – if that nominee will overturn Roe.
Our hope is that the Republican controlled Senate will show courage and resolve on behalf of the babies, and will own the fact that they want to overturn Roe. The time for hiding, equivocation, and duplicity is past.
The babies, and the pro-life movement NEED this fight. Abortion is murder; Roe vs. Wade was a treasonous act against God and man. It is time for the pro-abortion cause to be exposed for what it is – the killing of innocent babies. The time is ripe to overturn Roe.
Terry was once among the most influential anti-choice activists, but now operates on the margins of the movement. In his press release, Terry promoted a six-year old Weekly Standard profile in which he admits to being “a pain in the ass to the pro-life movement.” Indeed, in the past, Terry has vilified anti-choice groups he has disagreed with, saying that they “collaborate with the child-killers,” a term he has also applied to Right Wing Watch.