Michael Savage Tells Donald Trump That Protesters Are Racist Against White People

Earlier today, Donald Trump spoke with right-wing radio host Michael Savage about the “horrible” and “wild” protests he’s been facing in his campaign, saying that the man who tried to storm the stage at his Dayton, Ohio, rally “should be in jail right now.”

“This guy is a thug and now he’s becoming a big movie star, well he doesn’t have the face of the movie star, that I can tell you,” Trump said. “This guy’s a thug. He should be in jail. How they don’t press charges is just beyond me, it’s just beyond me.”

CNN has reported that the man was in fact “charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic.”

Savage called the demonstrators “Brownshirts” who are “racist” and “violent,” adding: “There’s a high degree of racism towards white people coming out of these crowds.”

Trump told a protester at his Tampa rally who shouted “you’re a fascist” that he wished he could be prosecuted so that his whole life would be “ruined” by the incident, before again defending his fans’ altercations with protesters.