In 2012, Jeremy Bird served as the national field director for President Obama’s re-election campaign, after which he co-founded a political consulting firm called 270 Strategies. Recently, Bird and his firm were hired by a nascent political campaign in Israel created to try to defeat the ruling Likud Party in the upcoming elections.
Since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a Likud Party candidate, a defeat for the party would also be a defeat for Netanyahu, and that possibility is an outrage to Matt Barber, who is now logically demanding that President Obama be impeached.
As Barber and Mat Staver explained on today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio broadcast, because an organization called OneVoice, which has been involved in the effort to replace the Israeli government, received an unrelated grant from the U.S. State Department last year, that means that American tax dollars are now being used to rig the election in Israel.
To make matters even worse in the eyes of Barber and Staver, someone who worked on President Obama’s campaign but is now an independent political consultant is also working on that same effort, which can only mean that President Obama is personally leading the effort to defeat Netanyahu and therefore must be impeached.
“What a slap in the face and it shows our allies across the country that the United States cannot be trusted,” Barber fumed, claiming that Obama personally sent his “A-Team propagandist hit squad” into Israel to try to defeat Netanyahu.
“It’s unconscionable that he would do this. It’s unethical and this president needs to be investigated by the United States Senate,” Barber continued. “This president just continues to do one impeachable thing after another”: