Mission America’s Linda Harvey has been a vocal supporter of Russia’s anti-gay “propaganda” law from the very beginning and now she is going after Glenn Beck for criticizing the rise of anti-gay bigotry in Russia and declaring that he would stand with GLAAD in opposing it.
On a radio commentary earlier this week, Harvey said the Russian law was really pretty mild and restrained and that incidents of anti-gay violence are not reflective of the law or those who support it. And the fact that Beck feels the need to speak out against what it happening in Russia, Harvey said, is a sign that he is either “grossly uninformed or he’s compromised” on this issue:
The victim posturing of the homosexual playbook claims that gangs of people are now regularly beating up homosexuals in Russia as a result of this law and a Russian celebrity was quoted with an insane comment, something about homosexuals being burned alive.
Now come on, nobody gives any credibility to statements like this, but if you listen to groups like GLAAD, the homosexual pressure group, they claim anyone who applauds the new anti-propaganda law would agree with such an idiotic statement.
It’s terribly confused and even Glenn Beck jumped into the fray expressing outrage over this celebrity’s comment and saying he stands with GLAAD, the group that is anti-Christian and anti-morality. Beck is either grossly uninformed or he’s compromised on this issue. He would not be the first so-called conservative to buy into this horrendous movement even as it jeopardizes the health and future of many kids.
This is a distraction, like all the rest of this publicity, which takes the focus off the law, which is that homosexual promotion and public endorsement and school programs do have an influence on kids and it is a harmful one.