Kevin Swanson Warns That God Will ‘Cut Down’ Taylor Swift

Right-wing radio host and Colorado-based pastor Kevin Swanson, responded to the release of a new Taylor Swift song and music video on his “Generations” radio show on Thursday by declaring that Swift is a “fool” and warning that “God will cut her down.”

Swift’s latest single, “You Need to Calm Down,” is intended to be a pro-LGBTQ anthem. It features several well-known LGBTQ celebrities and urges people to sign a petition in support of the Equality Act. Swanson, who is radical anti-LGBTQ preacher, is predictably unhappy about it.

“Taylor Swift, most popular female singer in America today, released a song promoting the Leviticus 16 list of abominations, pretty much.” said Swanson. “‘You Need to Calm Down’ is the name of the song, and she’s apparently telling God to calm down about all of his ethical concerns. I don’t think it’s going to be effective, but that’s what she’s doing.”

Swanson went on to add that the Equality Act is “intended to persecute Christians if they don’t want to celebrate homosexual, heathen rites and rituals.”

“So what do we say to Taylor Swift and her new concoction ‘You Need to Calm Down’?” asked Swanson, rhetorically. “I think we just tell Taylor Swift that she’s a fool. That she doesn’t fear God, and sooner or later, God will cut her down. And may she be broken at the Cross of Jesus Christ and realize she’s a sinner and she’s a sinner in desperate need of a savior, and that’s the message for all of us.”