Fischer: Romney is Preying on Evangelical Niceness/Stupidity

Bryan Fischer just cannot understand how any evangelical could possibly support Mitt Romney for president, but he does have a theory:  Romney is “preying on evangelical weaknesses.”

As Fischer sees it, the only logical explanation is that evangelicals are so darned nice that they will believe anything anybody tells them and so Romney can lie to them with impunity because he knows they are so “dull” and “uninformed” that they will never figure it out:

Mitt Romney is actually preying on evangelical weaknesses. He is taking advantage of the inherent niceness in evangelicals. Evangelicals are portrayed as these people who are these flaming bigots, these hardliners, these Victorian prudes, these bluenoses, they’re just angry at everybody and they walk around judging and condemning everybody. Evangelicals are not like that; they are the nicest people that you can meet, they’re kind, they want to give people the benefit of the doubt, they’re willing to take people at their word, they’re willing to bend over backwards to accommodate other people and Mitt Romney knows that.

So he knows that evangelicals are nice people and he can take advantage of that niceness by telling them what they want to hear. And they lack enough discernment that they’ll believe what he tells them. Mitt Romney tells them he’s a champion on the sanctity of life, they’ll believe him just because they heard him say it and they want to give him the benefit of the doubt … Governor Romney is more responsible for the fact that we have same-sex marriage in the united States then anybody else on the planet, yet evangelicals are dull enough, uninformed enough, undiscerning enough that they are supporting him.