Fischer: ‘Conservatives Believe In Live And Let Live’

Bryan Fischer believes, among other things, that Native Americans and all immigrants should be required to convert to Christianity, that homosexuality should be illegal, that discrimination against gays should be official public policy, that gays should be banned from serving in public office, and that Muslims should be prohibited from immigrating to America, serving in the military, or building mosques.

So it came as a bit of a surprise to us to hear Fischer declare on his radio show today that conservatives such as himself “believe in live and let live.”

“That’s the difference between liberals and conservatives,” he said. “Conservatives believe in live and let live. I may disapprove of your lifestyle, but I’m not going to use force to try and stop you from making those choices. You’re going to have to answer to God, you’ll have to deal with the consequences of your behavior. Liberals are not like that. They want to control every decision that people make. They lust for power and politics is where they find it”:

As we have said time and time again, Bryan Fischer is a lot of things, but self-aware is not one of them.