E.W. Jackson, the unsuccessful Virginia GOP nominee for lieutenant governor, released a video last week which he said he had to make even though he was “supposed to be heading to an airport to get on a plane” because he was so worried about the gay rights movement’s “onslaught against Christianity.”
In the video, Jackson calls the debate surrounding Indiana’s since-amended “right-to-discriminate” law “an all-out war against Christianity.” “You black Christians who voted for people who support this, it’s time to wake up,” he says, telling African Americans that they voted for people who “hate the faith you represent.”
Jackson shared the video with his supporters in an email with the subject line “Totalitarianism or Tolerance? Freedom or Force?,” warning that “all Christians and fair-minded citizens must enlist in this war” against the “pro-same-sex ‘marriage’ hoards” before they usher in “totalitarianism.”
“It is as monstrous as the dictatorial regimes which force their citizens to bow or suffer,” he wrote. “We keep hearing that most of the American people now support same-sex ‘marriage.’ That’s like saying all of the people in Cuba vote for Castro as President. No one dare do anything else.”
Unfortunately, our liberty is under attack like never before, and the solemn warnings of our Founding Fathers are as relevant as they were on the day they uttered them. One of the most recent attacks on Liberty occurred in Indiana when pro-same-sex ‘marriage’ hoards demanded that the Indiana Legislature strip business owners and others of their First Amendment rights to freedom of conscience and expression. They would force Christians to support or participate in same-sex ceremonies as a requirement of being allowed to do business. This is creeping totalitarianism, under the guise of tolerance and fairness. It is as monstrous as the dictatorial regimes which force their citizens to bow or suffer.
We keep hearing that most of the American people now support same-sex ‘marriage.’ That’s like saying all of the people in Cuba vote for Castro as President. No one dare do anything else. When the homosexual radicals label you a bigot and hater for your Christian principles, there are many who choose to express the opinion that is safe. When government and businesses become a mob labeling a fairly mild law a symbol of hatred and discrimination, the message is clear that opponents better keep their mouths shut or lose their jobs and livelihood. This intimidation must stop, but sincere believers must not be moved.
It is a lie that opposition to same-sex ‘marriage’ is the same as Jim Crow segregation and bans on interracial marriage. The truth is that racial ideology was created to justify slavery and the continued subjugation of people based on skin color. On the other hand, Christians have believed in marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman for 2000 years. We did not create this narrow definition in response to anything, not even the anti-Christian gay rights movement. There is no comparison between homosexuality and race. One is behavior with profound moral implications and the other is a neutral physiological characteristic.
In the brief personal message below, I exhort fellow Christians and ministers to take a STAND. The time for languishing on the sidelines of the battle for Liberty is over. There can be no spectators. All Christians and fair-minded citizens must enlist in this war. Either we will fight for our liberty or we will lose it!