Bryan Fischer Says Dinosaurs Were Just Giant, 1,000-Year-Old Lizards

On his radio program today, Bryan Fisher laid out his theory about where dinosaurs came from, explaining that they were simply lizards that grew very large because they lived for 1,000 years.

As Fischer explained, prior to Noah’s flood, the average human lifespan was 912 years, so logically the lifespans of animals and reptiles and the like were also much longer during this period. And since reptiles continue to grow until they die, Fischer said, it stands to reason that a lizard that lived for 1,000 years would eventually grow to be the size of a dinosaur.

Asserting that there is “no reason to doubt” the Bible when it says that Methuselah lived for 969 years, Fischer declared that if some salamanders today can live for hundreds of years and grow to be several feet in length, then obviously lizards before the flood could live for a thousand years and grow even larger. 

“I’m thinking that could be the explanation for dinosaurs,” he said. “They were just like reptiles that just like grew for a 1,000 years, kept growing, kept growing, kept growing.”