On his program yesterday, notorious anti-Muslim radio host Bryan Fischer criticized President Obama for speaking at a mosque, asserting that there is no such thing as an Islamic charity because all such organizations are nothing more than fronts for funding terrorism.
“There’s no such thing as an Islamic charity,” he said. “That’s just a ruse. That is a terrorist fundraising organization. You see any Islamic organization with the word ‘relief’ or ‘foundation’ or ‘charity’ in it, you are looking at an organization that raises money for terror.”
When Christians start a charity, Fischer asserted, the motivation is to “provide charitable relief to needy people” but when Muslims start a charity, the true “purpose is to finance jihad.”
“That is it’s mission,” he said. “That’s why it exists and this whole business about it being a charity, being a foundation, that’s just a cover to try to avoid suspicion.”