Bryan Fischer Cites Mysterious Red River In China As Proof That Everything The Bible Says Is Literally True

On his radio broadcast today, Bryan Fischer seized upon a story about a river in eastern China that mysteriously turned dark red over the weekend, pointing to it as evidence that the Bible can always be trusted since this is exactly what happened in the Book of Exodus.

Saying that this situation is “exactly what you read in the Old Testament account,” Fischer proclaimed that “if this could happen, a large river could mysteriously, instantaneously turn blood red in 2014, it could also happen in 1446 B.C.”

“Do not abandon your belief in trustworthiness of the Word of God,” he concluded.

There is one small difference, of course, since in the story in Exodus the river was turned literally into blood and was not the result of someone illegally dumping dye or chemicals into the river, which is what is suspected of having happened in China.