Beck Tells The Rest Of The World To ‘Run From Us’ Because America Is Becoming ‘A Danger To The Human Race’

Earlier this week, the EPA released the results of an internal investigation that found that the agency had failed to fully disclose possible long-term health risks to eighty-one subjects who had agreed to participate in experiments that involved breathing in diesel exhaust and other pollutants.

Because neither Beck nor anyone on his staff could apparently be bothered to do any basic research into what the EPA report actually said, Beck spent a segment on his radio program utterly misrepresenting it by falsely asserting that the EPA had been secretly poisoning people with diesel fumes without their knowledge … just like the Nazis did!

“I hope the entire world sees the monster that we are turning into,” he stated. “People for the rest of the world, you need to see how far America has gone off track. Please, run from us; we are becoming a global danger … We are a danger to the human race”:

Tags: Glenn Beck