Alex Jones: ‘No Amount Of Fluoride In The Water’ Can Stop Donald Trump

Yesterday, InfoWars broadcaster Alex Jones continued to sing the praises of Donald Trump, who in turn has complimented the conspiracy theory radio host.

Jones told his audience that Trump takes his cues from InfoWars, claiming that Trump molded his position on issues such as the resettlement of Syrian refugees, the Federal Reserve and the Bush administration’s handling of the September 11 terrorist attacks based on feedback from him and others.

Trump, Jones said, is “riding a wave” of anti-government anger “and no amount of armored vehicles, no amount of propaganda, no amount of fluoride in the water, no amount of the brainwashing of the children in public schools is going to reverse this sentiment that’s only going to intensify.”

“Trump is the manifestation of the human will to suck air into its lungs and to be strong and healthy, to be strong and free,” he said.