Beck: Criticism Of Indiana’s ‘Religious Freedom’ Law Will Lead To Concentration Camps

Glenn Beck opened his radio program today by continuing his defense of the recently passed Indiana law that allows business owners to discriminate in the name of “religious freedom” by warning that attacks on such laws will lead to people being placed in concentration camps and killed.

Declaring that “gay activists will boycott, will make it uncomfortable, they’ll smear them, they’ll just ratchet up the hate” against any business owner who refuses to provide services to a same-sex wedding in an attempt to drive them out of business, Beck insisted that everyone just has to “heal our hearts” and realize that religious business owners are not motivated by hate but rather by their faith.

“Let’s stop forcing each other to do things,” Beck begged. “You don’t change anything. That ends up in concentration camps. You just start grinding and grinding and grinding away until you’re in separate worlds and nobody talks to each other and then, whoever has the power, round ’em up and kill ’em because those guys are the problem.”

“That’s how it happens,” he said, which prompted his co-host Stu Burguiere to quip that Beck managed to make it a mere fourteen minutes into the radio show today before he started warning about people being rounded up and locked away in concentration camps:

Tags: Glenn Beck