Beck & Barton Say Romney Will Win Because ‘We are Repeating all of the Steps’ the Founders Took to Create This Nation

Glenn Beck had David Barton on his radio program today to, once again, discuss their conviction that Mitt Romney is not only going to win the election tomorrow, but win it in a landslide.  And the reason they are so confident, explained Beck, is because the Tea Party and prayer rallies and conservative grassroots activism are all just like what the Founding Fathers did to create this nation, so “we are repeating all of the steps that it took for use to be free around the time of the Declaration of Independence.”  

On top of that, Barton claimed that the conservative movement’s organizational skills, voter ID programs, and “microtargeting” abilities are “so much more sophisticated” than what the Obama campaign is doing that Romney is going to end up winning the election with 330 electoral votes: 
