AFA’s Fischer: Muslim Citizens Are Traitors and Must Be Expelled

Last week, the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer followed-up his call from last year to purge all Muslims from the US military with a call to purge all Muslims from the United States in general.

Today, Fischer has returned to defend his call for all Muslims in the United States to be deported immediately by claiming that every Muslim has a “solemn, sacred obligation to kill as many of their hosts as possible” and it is therefore “a form of suicidal insanity” to allow them to stay in the US .

Fischer admits that while not every single Muslim is out to destroy the US, since we can’t know which ones are ahead of time, it only makes sense to view “every new Muslim immigrant [as a] potential threat to the safety and security of the United States” and to treat all Muslims citizens as traitors: 

Bottom line: every Muslim who enters the United States carries within his bosom the seeds of sedition. It is dangerously foolish for the United States to invite folks inside our borders whose god orders them, through his holy prophet, to murder American infidels. According to the latest Easter polling data, infidels comprise about 80 percent of our population, the 80 percent who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, came to earth to die for our sins, and rose from the grave. Each of these beliefs is regarded in Islam as a heresy which ultimately merits the death penalty.

And if the government won’t impose this death penalty on the infidels, the Muslims themselves will be happy to impose it on their own initiative, as 9/11 and Fort Hood amply illustrate.

If we separate ourselves for a moment from the rampant and mindless political correctness and multiculturalism which controls the thinking of the elites, and the ordinary Americans who allow the elite to do their thinking for them, it is obviously and plainly nuts to throw out the welcome mat to those who have a religious obligation to obliterate us. It is beyond comprehension that we have become so brain-addled that we regard it a positive virtue to blindly embrace our own destroyers.

Muslims who have become naturalized citizens, of course, would need to commit an act of treason to forfeit their citizenship and become eligible for repatriation. Based on the Constitution’s definition of treason in Article III Section 3 [“adhering to (the) Enemies (of the United States), (or) giving them Aid and Comfort”] treasonous acts are likely committed on virtually a weekly basis here in the U.S. in many mosques and Islamic organizations.

Fischer concludes that the goal of every Muslim is to “establish a virtual Islamic homeland in our midst” and that instead of spending money on eventually incarcerating them, we should use that money to deport them:

Is this xenophobia? Nope, just common sense and a love of the United States and its exceptionalism. In fact, what we must protect ourselves from are Amerophobes, those who hate us because of who we are and what we believe. It’s time for a wake-up call.