Fischer: Muslim Prayer Service At National Cathedral Was ‘Spiritual Sabotage’

On Friday, a Muslim prayer service that was held at the National Cathedral was predictably interrupted by a right-wing Christian activist. Just as predictably, Bryan Fischer is now praising that activist as a modern-day Elijah for taking a stand against this prayer rally, which he called a “desecration” and “spiritual sabotage.”

Fischer, who was already on record as opposing the prayer service, said on his radio show today that allowing Muslims to gather to pray to a “demon god who goes by the name of Allah” was a desecration of the National Cathedral, asserting that it is all part of Islam’s attempt to destroy America from within.

“This was an act of spiritual and national sabotage,” Fischer said. “It’s as if they had dug some tunnels under the floor of the National Cathedral and filled them with explosives to completely obliterate our spiritual history and our spiritual traditions”: