Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 5/20/16

  • Dave Daubenmire is just about at his wit’s end: “I saw this week that President Obama’s approval rating is nearing 50% again. What in the world is wrong with people? Have we fallen so far that the American people approve of this obvious Son of Satan?”
  • After being fired from a teaching position at Hampden-Sydney College, Jerry Boykin has now been re-hired for at least a year.
  • Tucker Carlson says that Glenn Beck “acted like he was auditioning to be Mark Zuckerberg’s manservant” during the recent meeting at Facebook.
  • Some Orwellian language from Louisiana Right to Life on a new 72-hour waiting period law: “This important bill empowers women considering abortion with additional reflection time before an abortion so they can consider their options more effectively.”
  • Ben Carson and Tony Perkins are organizing a meeting between Religious Right leaders and Donald Trump.
  • Finally, Janet Porter has released a new video promoting her campaign against Target: VIDEO