Donald Trump Floats ‘Second Amendment’ Remedies To Stop Hillary Clinton

At a campaign rally today in Wilmington, North Carolina, Donald Trump said that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, she will “abolish the Second Amendment” and “if she gets to pick her judges,” there’s “nothing you can do.”

“Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is….” he continued in his usual, cryptic fashion. “I don’t know.”

Trump, who in the past has raised suspicions about the circumstances of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, said that the late justice’s passing “wasn’t supposed to happen” and will give Clinton an opportunity to “abolish the Second Amendment,” something she has never proposed.

Update: Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller said that Trump was referring to the “amazing spirit” and “great political power” of “2nd Amendment people” and was not suggesting that he wanted someone to assassinate Clinton or her judicial nominees.