‘We Need An Emancipation Proclamation’ To Free Us ‘From The Tyranny Of Sodomy’

“No more rainbow flags, America!” declares anti-LGBT activist Linda Harvey, who offers up an unhinged rant in BarbWire today about why Americans should take down the LGBT rainbow flag along with the Confederate battle flag.

Harvey, the head of the far-right group Mission America, writes that homosexuality is just as “evil” as slavery, adding that “‘LGBT’ lifestyles will ultimately be revealed to be a destructive blight on our nation.” Similarly, according to Harvey, the LGBT rainbow flag is just as offensive as the Confederate flag since the Pride flag’s “hateful colors” push “depravity” and “bigotry.”

“If only we had that kind of leadership now in Washington as we had in Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who delivered the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863,” Harvey continues. “We need an Emancipation Proclamation now to free America from the tyranny of sodomy.”

Radio host Bryan Fischer also demanded that the LGBT Pride flag come down with the stars-and-bars.

Recognizing that slavery is an inhumane act of discrimination, and that the confederate flag may serve as a painful symbol of that tragic era of American history, our leaders should also admit that the promotion of homosexuality is creating a major rift in the fabric of our nation.

We are seeing an unjustified war against the 51 million Americans who voted for man/woman marriage on state ballots. But the reality of marriage remains as elemental as the rising of the sun each day.

Same sex relationships will never be marriage, regardless of what any court decides. The identity and behavior of homosexuality can never be the basis of an authentic union between two people.

Still, a rebel flag flies on some government buildings and some of our embassies as a symbol of hatred. Sexual morality and authentic marriage are despised by those who wave the rainbow flag, which is even waved in front of schoolchildren as an illegitimate banner of “civil rights,” although it’s the opposite. It’s the logo of a war being waged against virtue, against the reality of male/female biology and against the witness of Jesus Christ.

It’s time to lower the rainbow flag everywhere. God created the rainbow as a sign of hope (Genesis 9:12-17). But homosexual political operatives have captured this symbol as an unauthorized expression of “pride.” Well, rainbows accompanying this depravity are as unfitting as the term “gay,” and it’s time for Christians to demand recognition of the offense involved and a permanent retraction.

Proud homosexuals don’t love God. They take pride in disobedience. Therefore, these rebels have no right to the rainbow, period.

So, let’s demand that no more rainbow flags fly above our federal agencies. No more hateful colors on our embassies, or on the Pentagon website. And it’s time for retailers with a conscience to stop selling rainbow- adorned “gay” merchandise and show respect and sensitivity to the outcry of concerned families and parents.

If the confederate flag truly causes pain to some black Americans, well, understood. Where’s the understanding for Christian Americans who are victims of the newly empowered bigotry of “gay” activists? The lost jobs, the closed businesses, the ruined reputations, the children corrupted? It’s the beginning of sorrows and won’t end unless those with a conscience intervene.

If only we had that kind of leadership now in Washington as we had in Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who delivered the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

We need an Emancipation Proclamation now to free America from the tyranny of sodomy.

I visited Gettysburg recently and was reminded once more about how evil can become natural in a country, and even be quite comfortably accommodated– except, of course, for those whose safety and freedom are in jeopardy.

Slavery was and is (since it is still a practiced in some parts of the world) a reprehensible practice. It became a natural thread in the fabric of our southern culture, just as “pride” parades are becoming big business for most major cities in America, just as corporations are allowing “gay” employees to have favored status while faithful Christians are silenced and demeaned, demoted and dismissed.

But when the truth comes out, “LGBT” lifestyles will ultimately be revealed to be a destructive blight on our nation, and if our president won’t lead and stand up for virtue, other Americans must stand in the gap and do so.

Homosexuality needs to be seen for what it is: a grave sin, a depraved lifestyle, and an oppressive threat to truth, liberty, family and faith.

And so, the theft of the rainbow needs to be confronted and it needs to end. No more rainbow flags, America!