Ben Carson: Gay Marriage Jeopardizes ‘Live And Let Live,’ Free Speech

Back in November, Ben Carson appeared on “Kingdom Connection with Jentezen Franklin,” to discuss how the U.S. Constitution “was written at an eighth-grade level” so “that the American people could understand it.”

However, Carson said that “the people who claim they are constitutional scholars,” like justices on the Supreme Court, are making a “mess” because, he alleged, they haven’t read the Constitution.

The Republican presidential candidate alleged that gay rights advocates want to classify certain speech as “hate speech,” claiming that they use “hate speech ridicule” to silence others and don’t believe in “live and let live.”

The way it works now is they target you and they have all kind of hate speech ridicule, if there’s a way they can bring action against you they will do that, try to ruin your life. Look at all the people who because of their religious convictions and their belief in what the Bible says have lost their livelihood and they’re put in jeopardy over the gay marriage issue, when in fact this is supposed to be a country where you live and let live. I personally don’t have any problem with any two people, regardless of what their feelings are, of living together, of getting a lawyer to create some documents so they can share property and have hospital visitation rights, but to change the definition of marriage, the problem is once you do that for one group, why wouldn’t you have to do that for the next group?

“Everybody gets equal rights, but nobody gets extra rights, extra rights to change everything for everybody else to suit them,” he added.

Carson went on to warn that “the secular-progressive movement” is bent on “beating people down so that they are silent” and having them “sit down and shut up so they can drive the boat.” If evangelical Christians don’t “stand up,” Carson warned, “it’s going to be too late.”