Ann Coulter: Undocumented Immigrants More Dangerous Than ISIS

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter writes today that while politicians are debating ways to defeat ISIS terrorists, they really should be focusing on the “illegal aliens [who] have killed, raped and maimed thousands of Americans — in America.”

While Coulter mentions tragic cases of violent crimes committed by immigrants, the Immigration Policy Center notes that immigrants are “less likely to commit crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are not associated with higher rates of crime.”

Nonetheless, Coulter claims that “we’re getting our clock cleaned at home” by immigrants who are “murdering far more Americans than ISIS ever will.”

“Can’t a Republican Congress do anything to stop the surge of foreign criminals, viruses and parasites crossing our border?” Coulter asks.

By now, the public knows more about ISIS than they know about the Kardashians. But it has no idea that the very same Senate Democrats who claimed to oppose Obama’s amnesty when they were campaigning are currently filibustering a bill to defund it, and Sen. Mitch McConnell is ready to cave.

ISIS has killed four Americans – in Syria. We’re not exactly talking about another 9/11. Here’s a tip: If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria.

Meanwhile, illegal aliens have killed, raped and maimed thousands of Americans – in America. If you don’t want to be killed, raped or maimed by illegal immigrants in your own country, I have no tips for you. There’s nothing you can do. You’re on your own. Good luck.

Our politicians don’t care. They are obsessed with cleaning up the rest of the world, while we’re getting our clock cleaned at home.

With the media’s Soviet-style censorship about immigrant crime, unless a member of your immediate family has been killed by an illegal alien, you might not have noticed the growing death toll, but here are some small, below-the-fold local news items just from the last two weeks.

ISIS is not at our doorstep. Illegal immigrants are not only at our doorstep, but millions of them are already through the door, murdering far more Americans than ISIS ever will.

That’s what a lot of Americans thought they were voting for last November. Couldn’t we please focus on Americans for a bit? Can’t a Republican Congress do anything to stop the surge of foreign criminals, viruses and parasites crossing our border? Will politicians ever stop gassing on about what’s happening 7,000 miles away and worry about us?

But politicians and the media only want to give us war, while aiding the enemy in the war we’re already in, here at home.