You may remember Bill Keller, the man who has dubbed himself “the world’s leading internet evangelist,” whatever that means, for causing a bit of a stir during the Republican Primary when he launched an all-out attack on Mitt Romney because of his Mormon faith during which he declared that “if you vote for Mitt Romney, you are voting for Satan!”
Seemingly having successfully used the power of the internet and prayer to destroy Romney’s presidential aspirations, Keller has now turned his attention toward solving our economic crisis calling for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Economy and is seeking 250,000 signatures for his petition asking President Bush and Congress to proclaim Thursday, December 18th as a National Day of Prayer:
The reason, Keller explained, none of the solutions put forth by the world’s greatest economists to correct the falling economy have worked is simple: the problem is not an economic one.
“The crisis is a spiritual problem,” said Keller. “The answer to our economic downfall is not an infusion of trillions of dollars, but the humble prayers of forgiveness and repentance for our sin and rebellion against God.”
In this video from back in October, Keller explains that the only way to “fix the economy is for this nation to repent of its sins, ask God’s forgiveness, and turn back to God and His truth … Sadly this nation is so blinded by its sin, so far away from God, that it can’t see that what is happening in the economy is the start of God pouring out his judgment on our nation for our sins and our wickedness. Every twenty-four hours we legally slaughter over 4,000 innocent babies, we’ve made a mockery of God’s holy institution of marriage, we bow down and worship every idol and false god man has created. We live in complete and total rebellion to God and His word. My friends, we’re not only due God’s wrath and judgment, we are overdue God’s wrath and judgment.”
For what it’s worth, WorldNetdaily gives us a little bit of background about Keller and his ministry:
A former businessman convicted of insider trading in 1989, Keller served two years in federal prison, was released and later earned a degree in biblical studies from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
In 1999, Keller launched LivePrayer, which claims to have responded personally to more than 60 million online requests for prayer since its inception and claims its LivePrayer devotional is received daily by over 2.4 million e-mail subscribers.