President Trump signed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill at the White House this afternoon, which sent right-wing media figures who have established themselves as unabashed Trump defenders into a fit.
Earlier this morning, Trump had tweeted that he was considering vetoing the bipartisan omnibus spending bill because it did not address DACA recipients and lacked full funding for his promised southern border wall. Hours later, however, Trump signed the spending bill into law in what he said was a “ridiculous situation” and claimed he would “never sign another bill like this again.”
Naturally, pro-Trump pundits were furious that Trump had compromised with establishment Republicans and Democrats on a spending bill that appeared to contradict his campaign promises.
The Drudge Report ran the headline “FAKE VETO”:
Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter said that if Trump signs a bill like this again he will “be impeached”:
“ I will never sign another bill like this again”
Yeah, because you’ll be impeached.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) March 23, 2018
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) March 23, 2018
Fox News radio host Todd Starnes said that Trump had “just signed his impeachment papers”:
Well — @realDonaldTrump just signed his impeachment papers. The GOP will be slaughtered in the mid-terms. #ToddStarnesShow
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) March 23, 2018
Radio host Wayne Allyn Root called signing the omnibus spending bill a “tragic mistake” and claimed that Trump “rolled over like a puppy to Marxists, frauds, traitors [and] corrupt greedy swamp”:
Disastrous decision @realDonaldTrump. The people advising u are idiots. Tough guy? Art of Deal? Worst negotiation EVER. U rolled over like a puppy to Marxists, frauds, traitors & corrupt greedy swamp. When I leave, u can turn out lights. #TRAGICMISTAKE
— Wayne Allyn Root (@RealWayneRoot) March 23, 2018
“SWAMP” won. YUGE fail today. @realDonaldTrump drove stake through heart of his own base. Disaster. I only need to read hundreds of emails from my fans. All the energy is gone. Stabbed own people. You left us to die on battlefield like William Dafoe in Platoon.
— Wayne Allyn Root (@RealWayneRoot) March 23, 2018
Stefan Molyneux, a YouTube personality who caters to the far-right, declared that “Trump is not so much with the winning anymore”:
As of today, by signing this horrible Bill, Trump is not so much with the winning anymore.
— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) March 23, 2018
In a mark of absolute strategic genius, President Donald Trump has camouflaged his black belt underwater upside down interdimensional kung-fu political jujitsu backgammon as total capitulation and foolishness to own the libs!
— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) March 23, 2018
Mike Cernovich, a prominent figure in the self-declared “New Right” movement, stated that “midterms are finished” and congratulated “Speaker Pelosi”:
Lol is anyone gonna go out to vote Republican in November?
Mid-terms are finished.
Congratulations Speaker Pelosi!
— Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) March 23, 2018
Mike Flynn Jr., son of President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn and prominent “New Right” figure, ranted on Twitter:
— ??MFLYNNJR?? (@mflynnJR) March 23, 2018
Gateway Pundit investigative reporter Cassandra Fairbanks put it simply, “We’ve been cucked”:
We’ve been cucked. I hate that word so much, but it’s true.
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) March 23, 2018
The Gateway Pundit called the omnibus spending bill a “uniparty monstrosity” that “funds everything the Democrats asked for and more”:
Trump announced Friday in a press conference he will sign the Pelosi-Ryan uniparty monstrosity of a spending bill.
$1.3 TRILLION and no border wall.[…]
Despite President Trump’s threat to veto this omnibus bill, he agreed to sign the Pelosi-Ryan bill which funds everything the Democrats asked for and more.
Pelosi, Schumer and the DC swamp are celebrating.
The homepage of Breitbart News featured news of Trump signing the omnibus and quipped “RIP Border Wall.”
Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Rebecca Mansour declared that if the Omnibus “is winning, then I’m definitely tired of it,” referring to a Trump campaign speech trope about winning so much “you may even get tired of winning”:
Are you tired of winning yet? ‘Cuz if this #Omnibus is winning, then I’m definitely tired of it.
Here’s some info on what’s in the #OmnibusBill, as heard yesterday on #BreitbartNewsTonight on @SiriusXMPatriot ch. 125. @BreitbartNews— Rebecca Mansour (@RAMansour) March 23, 2018
But radio host Bill Mitchell, one of the world’s most devoted Trump sycophants, was still looking at the upside:
This Congress pushed Trump into a corner where he had to sign a crap bill to fund the Military (#1 priority). Defense now, wall later.
Now it is OUR JOB to give him a better Congress. #VoteGOP2016.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) March 23, 2018