Tony Perkins: ‘Lawlessness’ Under Obama Paving The Way For The Antichrist

Yesterday on his “Washington Watch” radio show, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins asked listeners to call in and tell him what they think Congress should do to stand up to President Obama. Almost all of them demanded that Republicans impeach the president, an endeavor Perkins has heartily endorsed in the past.

Near the end of a program, a caller chimed in to “clarify why Obama is doing the things he is doing.” He explained: “The reason why Obama is doing what he is doing, keeping the Christian immigrants from Syria to come over here, because Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy and Obama is possessed by the Devil, Satan himself; that’s why he wants everybody dead, including the United States and Israel, and all the Christians dead because he’s full of the Devil.”

Perkins responded that we are witnessing the fulfillment of biblical prophecy that “in the End Times there will be a spirit of lawlessness and when that comes it will increase.”

“You’d be hard-pressed to say that lawlessness is not increasing in this nation,” he said. “I think that’s part of the age, it’s not a person presently, it will be, it paves the way for what scripture calls the Antichrist, but what we are seeing now is just an environment being fostered of lawlessness, which allows that to spread. Either you are influenced by God and you work for good or you work for evil. I think we need to be praying for our leaders that even if they don’t know God or have not submitted to him, that he will lead them and turn their hearts.”

He added: “I pray for President Obama, it’s hard sometimes and it’s increasingly difficult, but I do pray for him.”