Thunder Road: Lance Wallnau Exposes The Secret Cabal Controlling The Entire Progressive Movement

On his most recent “Pray In Jesus Name” program, Gordon Klingenschmitt interviewed Lance Wallnau, a leading proponent of Seven Mountains Dominionism, which is the idea that Christians are to do “whatever is necessary” to gain influence over everything from government to education to the media.

During the interview, Wallnau told to Klingenschmitt that Christians must organize to take control of these “mountains” because they are currently being dominated by liberals, thanks to a secretive plot set in motion back in 2000.

As Wallnau explained, he learned about this secretive effort from none other than Tom DeLay, so you know it is reliable. DeLay apparently revealed to Wallnau that leading left-wing political strategists had convened a secret meeting at which 100 very wealthy donors agreed to give a million dollars apiece to found and fund a series of progressive groups that would carry out their agenda while maintaining the appearance of independence.

Wallnau asserted that this secret effort, called “Thunder Road,” set out to identify the weaknesses in the conservative movement “and then created nine or 10 siege works, or engines, single-issue organizations that would be tasked to break down the wall and exploit the weakness.”

Wallnau claimed that this massive effort resulted in the creation of the Center for American Progress, Media Matters, Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW), America Votes, MoveOn, and even us here at Right Wing Watch.

“It’s just sheer genius, in a way, because they call them the most benevolent names possible,” he said. “Let’s Move on from what? Well, move on from values and God into anarchy, but they don’t say that; it’s move on from Bush and his nutty stuff.”

“Now what you think is,” Wallnau stated, “these are independent organizations that are all kind of beating the drum. What you really have is almost like a military operation of independent organizations funded, started and controlled by a central bank, central budget and central strategy.”

This effort must be far more secretive than even Wallnau recognizes, considering that we are supposedly a part of it and we’ve never even heard anything about it.