Third Party Presidential Candidate Tom Hoefling Says Donald Trump Is A ‘Reprobate’ Who Despises Christians

On his “Pray In Jesus Name” program recently, Gordon Klingenschmitt interviewed Tom Hoefling, a longtime right-wing activist who is now running for president as the America’s Party candidate.

Klingenschmitt asked Hoefling to respond to arguments that conservative Christians who vote for a third-party candidate instead of Donald Trump are simply helping to elect Hillary Clinton. Hoefling dismissed those concerns by noting that Trump is a “reprobate” who hates Christians.

“Untruths are the chief cornerstone of the arguments Republicans are making to try to coerce us into supporting, really, a man that I consider to be a reprobate,” he said. “You know, he’s not a run-of-the-mill sinner. He’s someone who not only committed serial adultery but went into a book that he was writing and bragged about it. That’s the mark of a reprobate. That’s not somebody that I want in the most powerful office in our land and in the world.”

“Donald Trump, and I’m speaking directly to Christians right now,” Hoefling continued, “he despises you. When he stood up and gave that speech in Cleveland, you know, he threw a few moldy scraps of bread to the evangelicals who support him, but you can just tell from his demeanor, he’s not one of you, he doesn’t believe what you believe and you can’t trust this man.”