Staver: Obama’s America Is Worse Than Nazi Germany

On today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio broadcast, Mat Staver and Matt Barber declared that this current period in time is the worst persecution that Christians have ever faced throughout American history because they are being forced to participate in both abortion and gay marriage.

Bizarrely, Staver claimed that, under Obamacare, Christians are not only being required to fund abortion but are literally being “forced to participate in genocide,” which is something that not even the Nazi government forced the German citizens to do.

“Even in Nazi Germany,” Staver said, “the government participated in genocide but the individuals, the citizens weren’t forced to participate in it … The people were not forced to push people into the gas chamber or pull the trigger, but now you’re being forced to pull the trigger, you’re being forced to participate in a genocide, that’s different than anything before.”

Barber agreed, saying “this is the most oppressive time in terms of religious liberty in the United States,” not only because of abortion but also because Christians are also supposedly being persecuted for opposing gay marriage.

“Everyone is going to have to make a decision to either obey the laws of God or to obey the laws of man,” Barber said, “and this is unprecedented.”

Staver warned that Christians are being compelled to “participate in a Romans 1 platform” by affirming those whom God has given up to a reprobate mind.

“Romans 1 says that when you reject God as the Creator,” he said, “God gives you up to a reprobate mind and one of the consequences of that is the people turn towards the same sex for sexual activity and pleasure”: