Sen. Johanns Follows “Conspiracy Kook” On Porter’s Radio Program

Have you ever seen the movie “They Live,” starring professional wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper who, thanks to a special pair of sunglasses, is the only one able to realize that aliens are using subliminal messages to control humanity? 

Well, then have I got a website for you:, otherwise known as

Please take a few moments to read this before entering; it may save you some time. The home page is definitely aimed at ‘shock value’. This “conspiracy theorist” has already awoken to the “conspiracy”. Have no doubt, ultimately IT IS US. I’ve ‘kicked the tires’ endlessly here not unlike the Apostle Thomas. Call it conceit or condescension or whatever but I can see ‘THEM’ a mile away. And so can you, if you care to. Although a minority, I’m certainly not the only one. For example, Rush Limbaugh, a cheerleader for the less than disappointing Republican Party, has received bitter rebuke from “the One” and his minions in Congress for speaking out against our new Messiah. Why? If he’s so bad let him shoot his trap. Of course there’s an ulterior motive: it’s called the Fairness Doctrine (look it up). “We the people” elected this guy; he’s only the latest in a long line of “disappointing” leaders. How about corporate jet buying CEO’s everyone is so worked up over? Again anyone can see this sham a mile away; if they care to. It is absolutely reprehensible for people to act this way especially in today’s economic downturn. However, it should be their right. But it’s no longer because it’s ‘taxpayer money’ (a sham in and of itself you can see if you decide to enter the web site). This is classic class warfare brought to us courtesy “our” government. Think about it. They know it’s absolutely illegal for the government to ‘loan’ companies money and this is for a reason: when they loan you they own you. Today everybody is lambasting the CEOs; tomorrow we’re going to be lambasting each other when one company gets “more” from Uncle Sam and our Uncle decides how much the bank teller should be paid. In other words, our old Uncle will be all too willing to step and decide what’s ‘fair’ after all ‘he’ loaned us the money. Of course “The Messiah” and friends will be the ones who decide what ‘fair’ is and what our ‘rights’ will be.

Now, this sort of right-wing conspiracy theory insanity is not the sort of thing we generally tend to cover here at RWW … but we are making an exception in this case because Janet Porter decided to have Rob Roselli, the man responsible for this website, on her radio program yesterday to discuss “Copenhagen and the lies from junk climate science.”

Apparently, Roselli considers himself something of an expert on the topic and so Porter decided to have him on the program to enlighten her audience.  Guess how it went?

So there you go:  climate change is really part of a massive conspiracy cooked up by “globalist clowns who hate mankind” and “genocidal maniacs” who are out to destroy humanity while the current political leadership is engaged in simply repackaging Nazi eugenics in an effort to implement it on a massive scale.

Amazingly, Porter’s interview with Roselli was followed, on the very same program, by an interview with United States Senator Mike Johanns (R-Nebraska).

If that doesn’t sum up the current state of the Republican Party and the right-wing movement, I don’t know what does.