Schlafly: Impeach Obama For Advocating ‘Suicide For America,’ Turning U.S. ‘Into Something Like The Third World Countries’

Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly believes that President Obama’s upcoming announcement on temporary relief for some undocumented immigrants will lead to “suicide for America because he would be bringing in people who will vote Democratic.”

“I think it’s worth impeachment, but I don’t think that’s going to happen,” she told the far-right outlet WorldNetDaily, adding that the president wants to “bring us down” and “fundamentally transform our country into something like the Third-World countries.”

“If he goes ahead with his plans, I think it’s suicide for America, because he would be bringing in people who will vote Democratic. That’s his plan,” Schlafly said. “And bringing people the American people do not want, and he’s already bringing in all kinds of diseases.”

Schlafly doesn’t think the United States would survive in its current form under a massive grant of amnesty. She even agreed the collapse may happen by 2025, as conservative author Patrick Buchanan suggested in the title of his 2011 book, “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?”

“[Obama] is trying to fundamentally transform our country into something like the Third-World countries, because he thinks it’s just really unfair that we’re better, richer, freer and more prosperous, and he’d like to bring us down to the level of other countries,” Schlafly said.

The longtime conservative activist said she expects another border surge, like the one this past summer, once word of Obama’s “deferred action” plan spreads throughout Central America. She also thinks amnesty by executive action rises to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor.

“I think it’s worth impeachment, but I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Schlafly said.

She sees Obama and other Democratic Party leaders as complicit in the importation of people who don’t share the American value of self-reliance.

“The Democrats know perfectly well that the people coming in are people who are not accustomed to our ideas of self-government and limited government, and they expect government to take care of them, and that’s what we’re doing,” Schlafly said in an interview.