Right Wing Leftovers – 12/5/12

  • Oh good, James Dobson is now publishing a fiction trilogy “in the dystopian tradition of 1984, Brave New World and The Hunger Games.”
  • Dick Armey received an $8 million buyout after resigning from FreedomWorks. I’ll resign for half that! 
  • Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff were seen having lunch together.  Maybe Abramoff was giving DeLay some pointers on how to handle prison?
  • Fox News has benched Karl Rove and Dick Morris for being spectacularly bad at their jobs, which must be some sort of first. 
  • Gary Bauer warns that the “war on Christmas” is a sign of “cultural rot [that] is really quite dangerous. A civilization that is afraid to defend its values will not survive.”
  • Sen. Marco Rubio is still “not a scientist, man” but he now has an opinion on the age of the Earth: “Science says it is about 4.5 billion years old. My faith teaches that’s not inconsistent. God created the heavens and the Earth, and science has given us insight into when he did it and how he did it. The more science learns, the more I am convinced that God is real.”