Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 9/16/15

  • David Lane predicts that Donald Trump will flame out because “he doesn’t know Jesus.”
  • Jake MacAulay explains that the true purpose of public education is to enslave Christians: “If you can isolate children, and train them to believe that there is a wall of separation between God and government, then you can enslave them—or rather—they will have enslaved themselves.”
  • Susan Stamper Brown has some very valid concerns about what might happen if Kim Davis is required to issue marriage licenses to gay couples: “Might the same un-law someday authorize her to issue marriage licenses between stuffed animals and humans? Or robots?”
  • A Muslim started a petition calling on Germany to cancel Oktoberfest and it has received a few hundred signatures, so naturally Glenn Beck sees it as validation of his warnings about “the Caliphate.”
  • Finally, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire can’t understand why everyone can’t see the obvious: “If you just take a few minutes to stop and look around, you will be able to see these Demonic forces hard at work in ‘high places.’ Can you say the Supreme Court? Can you say Congress? Can you say the White House? Can you not see all of the ‘high places’ where Satan is in control? “