With the Supreme Court hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the health care reform law this week, conservative groups are reviving the apocalyptic rhetoric they developed when the law was passed.
Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver and Matt Barber discussed the case on today’s Faith & Freedom, where Staver said that if the court did not overturn the law it would set “an incredibly bad precedent that allows huge power grabs, not just in this medical insurance issue but in every place else.”
Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice emailed members that the law is an “atrocity”:
Over the next three days, the ObamaCare oral arguments will be heard before the Supreme Court.
Roe v. Wade made it a “right” to end the life of an unborn child; ObamaCare forces every taxpayer to help pay to end the life of an unborn child.
We are fighting this atrocity, and we need your voice now.
As we have said since the beginning, ObamaCare uses taxpayer dollars to dramatically grow the abortion business. Now we know that President Obama is also forcing citizens to directly pay an abortion surcharge with health insurance plans.
Forcing us to pay for abortion is not only a moral outrage, it is a violation of our constitutional rights.
The Christian Defense Coalition plans to “encircle” the Supreme Court to pray “that the President’s Health Care legislation is declared unconstitutional”:
The groups will also lay 3,300 flowers around the court as a “prophetic witness” to the Justices, reminding them of the 3,300 children who die every day from abortion and the 3,300 women who are diminished through abortion.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and one of the organizers of “Encircle the Court in Prayer”, states;
“We are calling people from all America to come to Supreme Court and ‘encircle it with prayer’ from March 25 as we cry out to God for justice, human rights and religious freedom.
“Sadly, the President’s Health Care legislation crushes religious freedom and liberty with unjust mandates on faith institutions and forces taxpayers to subsidize abortions.
“We will be praying that the President’s Health Care legislation is declared unconstitutional so Congress can put forward health care legislation that will respect religious freedom, protect human life and honor the principles of our Constitution.
“When Roe v. Wade was decided, the Christian community was detached and uninvolved. We want to make sure that is not the case this time as we challenge people of faith to publicly pray and speak out with boldness and passion.”