Pratt: Obama Administration Officials Are Terrorists, See Americans As The Enemy

Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America seems convinced that the Obama administration will launch some sort of anti-Christian, anti-white race war any day now, and told talk show host Stan Solomon that the Department of Homeland Security considers the American people to be “the enemy.”

After Solomon brought up a 2009 FBI memo about a surge in activity among “white supremacy extremist and militia/sovereign-citizen extremist groups,” and the FBI mentioned that it would work with the Defense Department to share information “related only to veterans who draw the attention of Defense Department officials for joining white-supremacist or other extremist groups.”

Of course, this led Pratt to attack outgoing DHS head Janet Napolitano, accusing her of pursuing people who have a “limited government philosophy, that are pro-Second Amendment, that are pro-life, that are pro-traditional marriage.” The influential gun lobbyist seems to be referring to a right-wing conspiracy theory that DHS is targeting conservatives.

Solomon ranted that Obama administration officials “don’t care about terrorists, they encourage terrorists and frankly they are terrorists,” to which Pratt agreed.


Pratt: Napolitano was telling us, telling specifically police agencies across the country to be on the lookout for those that could be terrorists, that would include people who have some sort of limited government philosophy, that are pro-Second Amendment, that are pro-life, that are pro-traditional marriage, those are the places where the terrorist pool is located, that’s where they will be coming from. We should’ve realized then that what she was actually saying is that the enemy of the Obama government is the American people.

Solomon: Bingo. That’s exactly it. They weren’t looking for terrorists, they don’t care about terrorists, they encourage terrorists and frankly they are terrorists.

Pratt: Yeah.