Peter Sprigg: Run Lisa Run

Does anyone find it entirely predictable that the Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg, who thinks that gay behavior should be outlawed and carry criminal penalties, supports Lisa Miller’s kidnapping of her daughter and disappearance so as to avoid adhering to court ordered custody arrangements? 

Imagine that you are a mother (perhaps you are). You have only one child — your own flesh and blood, conceived with your egg, borne in your body, pushed out into the world by your own exertions.

She is seven and a half years old, and for the last six years you have been her sole caretaker. Single parenthood is tough, but your parents help, and it seems your daughter is doing well. She is happy and well-adjusted. You have worked hard to support her and transmit your values to her. She goes to church with you every week.

Now, someone wants to take her away from you. Her father? No — another woman wants to be her mother. This woman lives in a different state hundreds of miles away. Your daughter once knew the woman, but so long ago that she has no memory of her. The woman has no biological relationship to your child. She has no adoptive relationship to your child. But she wants to take your daughter away from you and be her mother now.

No court has ever found you to be an unfit mother. And yet — unbelievably — the courts of two states have ordered you to transfer custody of your child to this other woman.

What would you do? Do you simply give your child away?

This is not the plot for a Hollywood thriller. This nightmare scenario is the real-life situation that Lisa Miller found herself in recently.

Apparently, Lisa couldn’t give her daughter away. She chose to run instead.

Of course, there is more to the story. But if reading the description above leaves you with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, it should. This is the brave new world of family law, thanks to the gains made by the homosexual movement.

Lisa was told to transfer custody of her daughter on New Year’s Day. She never showed up.

Would you?

In Sprigg’s world, it’s gays who are the criminals while ex-gay Christian women kidnap their daughter and violate court orders are heroes. 

And on a related note, in my post yesterday on Sprigg’s “gay behavior should be illegal” comment, I wondered if FRC would make him issue an apology.  Well, apparently they won’t be since they are featuring his “Hardball” appearance on their website and touting it in their most recent “Washington Update”

Judging by our busy press room, FRC continues to be the go-to organization on this issue in the media. Apart from a series of print interviews, Peter Sprigg and I took the lead on a few national talk shows yesterday, debating the fallout of homosexuals in the military with experts from the other side. You can watch all three appearances–on CNN, MSNBC’s “Hardball,” and “Larry King Live”–by visiting our newsroom.