Rick Scarborough held his second rally to oppose a Missouri ballot initiative on embryonic stem cell research. At the first, former talk show host and presidential candidate Alan Keyes compared the anti-stem cell campaign to the civil rights movement. In a Cape Girardeau high school gymnasium last night, Keyes suggested the amendment would lead to the creation of an army of slave clones. From the Southeast Missourian:
Speakers at the Christians Against Human Cloning rally painted the proposal as the next step in a satanic onslaught, using promises of cures to promote tyranny and death.
Alan Keyes, the keynote speaker, said embryonic stem-cell research is the moral equivalent of Nazi medical experiments on the inmates of death camps during World War II.
And despite wording in Amendment 2 imposing harsh criminal penalties on anyone attempting to create a living human clone using the stem-cell research techniques, Keyes raised the possibility of an industrial effort to produce clones.
The result, he said, would be “new legions of humans to be enslaved and brutalized.”
While Keyes envisioned the clone legions, Scarborough claimed that supporters of the amendment “are leveling their howitzers at the prayer army” composed of his followers.