Mike Huckabee and Don Feder Explain the ‘Anti-American’ Alliance of the Left and Islam

Mike Huckabee today brought far-right activist Don Feder on to his show to address Feder’s latest column, which argues that the Obama administration is intentionally ignoring threats from Islamic extremists while trying to increase the country’s Muslim population.

Feder told Huckabee that while Obama condemned people who slander Mohammad in his 2012 remarks to the United Nations he never mentioned slanders against Jesus Christ, and Huckabee agreed.

Of course, Feder and Huckabee are wrong, as in the very next sentence of his address, where he condemned blasphemy laws, Obama said “those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”

Feder claimed Obama is “about as pro-Islam as it is possible for a non-Muslim to be” and “will do anything to protect Islam.”

After Huckabee asked him why “liberals are very defensive of Islam,” Feder argued that liberals have “allied themselves with Islam” over their shared “anti-American” and “totalitarian” worldviews, along with the left’s supposed bias towards “Third World people over Western people.”

Feder: I think as a devout leftist, if I can put it in those terms, I think our President is about as pro-Islam as it is possible for a non-Muslim to be. The reason that he keeps telling us: don’t jump to conclusions; don’t be logical; don’t follow the train of evidence; don’t stigmatize Islam. Remember when he went to the United Nations last year and he said the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam, he didn’t say the future must not belong to those who slander Jesus.

Huckabee: No.

Feder: This is his mindset. He will do anything to protect Islam and to protect the reputation of Islam. That’s why after the Fort Hood massacre by a man who used to hand out business cards that said ‘Soldier of Allah,’ who shouted ‘Allah is Great’ while he was gunning down his fellow soldiers, who attended a radical mosque, and the President said, ‘gee, I don’t know why he’d do a thing like this.’

Huckabee: It is utterly bizarre. Don, you’ve been following this kind of thing for a long time, you’ve been writing about it for years and years and years, I don’t understand and maybe you can enlighten me, liberals are very defensive of Islam, very defensive. They never want to assume that somebody connected to Islam would do something radical and horrible, and yet liberals will excoriate Christians for believing in traditional marriage. But Islam, they’re not just anti-gay marriage, they believe basically in executing people who are homosexual. And women certainly don’t have any rights within the moral extreme radical Islamic cultures like Saudi Arabia where they are not going to be able to drive or get ta full education, run a company, there are going to be a lot of limitations on women. So how do liberals justify and how do they reconcile their pro-women’s rights, pro-abortion, pro-same-sex marriage, with an Islamic culture that they so want to protect that is far harsher on any of those things than any Christian I’ve ever known could possibly be?

Feder: Well I think you’ve hit the nub of the question, as they say. You are right, it seems counterintuitive. The left should be scared to death of Islam. Frankly, I think everybody should be scared of Islam; political Islam, at least. So why have they allied themselves with Islam? Two reasons: The first is, our mutual friend Gary Bauer says, they are both totalitarian movements, they both advocate unified control of humanity, one group on a religious basis, the other group on an ideological basis. Beyond that, they are both anti-American. I think that is what unites them more than anything else. That is why the left will go to ridiculous extremes to defend Islam because if an organization, if an entity, if a religion is anti-American then the left will naturally support it, as Islam is. That’s the trump card, anti-Americanism. That and the fact that I think the left views Islam as a Third World religion and of course as you know the left is very big on supporting Third World people over Western people.