Michele Bachmann Says Congress Cannot Pass Laws That Contradict The Laws Of God

In the latest installment of David Barton’s “Foundations of Freedom” series to air on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, Barton was once again joined by ex-Rep. Michele Bachmann, who declared that Congress can never pass laws that violate the laws of God because doing so only “degrades the greatness of a nation.”

Bachmann declared that a marble portrait of Moses in the House chamber is there as a reminder to all lawmakers that “a holy God gave to Moses the moral law, the Ten Commandments, the law upon which every other law has descended and upon which no other law, if it violates that moral law, could stand because that is the ultimate law.”

To pass laws that do not uphold God’s moral law, Bachmann said, “degrades us as a nation, it degrades our liberties and it degrades the greatness of a nation and that’s what God understood from Old Testament times: The greatness of a nation is built up by His law.”